
A 3-Day Live Virtual Training to

Reimagine & Reorganize Your Business to Start the Year Stronger than Ever

with a Certified Revenue Breakthrough Plan

$495 →

$495 →

December 6–8, 2023 | Virtual Event

It’s time to reignite your business and make 2024 the year of wealth, clarity, spaciousness and fun.

Join us to create a Certified Revenue Breakthrough Plan
& Build Your Next Big Dream

The goal of The Big Comeback is to create a 12-month Certified Revenue Breakthrough Plan.

What’s that? It’s a step-by-step, day-by-day system that shows you how to make all the money you could ever want. You’ll also get tested tools for how to price and package your services, find great clients, and build your momentum like never before.

Are you in one of these categories?

Are you in one of these categories?


You're starting to get your business rolling!

But it still feels fragile and overwhelming. You want surefire approaches that create consistent income and peace of mind — while preserving your personal time.


You've hit a ceiling and feel stuck.

You’ve tried a few things this year that didn’t work. And you’re ready for new momentum and expansion — without sacrificing your life.


Your business is growing – woohoo!

But you’re working harder than you’d like to be. You want to keep the revenue growing, and you want more support and spaciousness in your schedule.

No matter which category you’re in, what everybody needs right now is time to reflect,
reorganize, and create a plan to rock it out for 2024.

And you’re invited to do just that…

December 6–8, 2023 | Virtual Event

The Big Comeback Experience

The Big Comeback Experience

Build your NEXT big dream.

What does your most amazing life look like?

Maybe you want more time with your kids. Travel the world. Afford the finer things in life. Help a family member go to college or quit a job.

Or simply feel the freedom, security, and independence that comes from knowing you are in control of your life, your choices, and your future.

Too many people leave their success up to hoping, praying, or a lucky break…

But at the Big Comeback, you will first decide how you want your life to be – and then you’ll build a plan to make it happen.

What makes this event amazing…

We’re going to go through the 14 steps of the Revenue Breakthrough Certified Plan, and you’ll have time to fill out each step.

By the time you leave, you’ll have a full plan for wherever you’re at.


If you're just starting

You’ll have a plan with all the exact steps you need to do to get your business off the ground and headed toward 6 figures.


If you already have a business

You’ll know exactly what to do to get to the next level — whether that’s starting group programs, selling more products, selling to corporations, or just getting in front of more people.


If you're an advanced business owner

My guess is you’ve put off planning, and you don’t always know how to structure it. This event will give you structured time with a community to fill out your plan — so you’ll finally get it done ahead of time.

We’ve found that the #1 reason people self-sabotage is because they’re not following a plan.

And not having a plan can allow you to procrastinate and also get distracted by shiny objects.

We’ve also found that after most business events, you go home with 100 amazing things to do – but not really knowing where to start.

At this event, you’ll walk away with a Certified Revenue Breakthrough Plan for exactly how to hit the ground running on Monday morning + how to stay ahead of the pack for the next 12 months.

Why a Certified Revenue Breakthrough Plan?

Why a Certified Revenue Breakthrough Plan?

I’ve had the pleasure of watching hundreds of clients work with me at the start of their businesses and then grow their incomes to six and multiple-six figures in 12-18 months.

The one thing they all have in common is that they are following and tweaking a Certified Revenue Breakthrough Plan along the way.

I can honestly say that having a Certified Revenue Breakthrough Plan saved my business during COVID

When the pandemic struck, I changed the existing plan, rather than starting from scratch. From 2020 to 2022, my business actually grew, and those years served to make Revenue Breakthrough stronger, overall.

And it wasn’t just me. Many of my clients had their best year ever during COVID. I don’t say that to brag during a time of crisis. But I know the reason they did so well was because they had a Certified Revenue Breakthrough Plan that they simply had to tweak when the world changed so drastically.

But I watched many other business owners who didn’t know how to plan (or change their plans) struggle. Many of those businesses are still feeling the effects of the pandemic on their bank accounts and confidence levels today.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a worldwide event. Crisis will always strike, personal or otherwise.

Knowing how to plan – and change your plan – allows your business to keep going, no matter what.

The structure of a plan allows you the freedom to stop worrying about what is next, and to stop second-guessing your decisions and following shiny pennies.

It keeps you focused and clear — which frees up your time to actually live an amazing life while you grow your business.

At The Big Comeback, we’ll walk you through how to clarify what you really want, build a business to get you there and create the plan to keep you on track.

So you can end 2023 with a bang…
and make sure 2024 is your best year yet!

And don’t worry — we have a planning process for everyone — no matter what your style or desire — whether you are a free spirit, a creative, a classic Type A or somewhere in between.

The Big Comeback Is for You if:

The Big Comeback Is for You if:


You want a crystal clear plan for how you are going to generate six figures or multiple six figures over the next 12 months — so you can come back stronger than ever before (without sacrificing your life).


You’re tired of watching other people have successful launches, fill their client loads and do innovative techniques. You’re ready to know the why behind these strategies and how to implement them yourself.

You are tired of feeling behind the eight ball all the time and are ready to finally get ahead and stay there.

You’re not interested in 10-hour workdays. You want a way to hit your income goals while still preserving space and time for yourself and for your friends and family.

You are done worrying about money, not making enough, and not knowing how to make it all better.
You are ready to discover Monica’s strategies for how to play the business game without sacrificing your personal life.  
You want to be surrounded by smart, inspiring women who have come together to learn, work together and have fun!

Only halfway through the year, and I was already $9,000 ahead of my full-year revenue of last year. I am more relaxed and have more time for friends and family.

Claire Steichen

President, Clear Strategy Coaching

I’ve quadrupled my income! And my success is inspiring others in my profession. Instead of saying that I have a practice, now I say, “I have a business.” I’m excited about the growth I’m seeing and my mindset shift that makes these conversations possible.

Quiana Grace Frost

Founder of Create Business Alchemy

Too many people leave their success to chance or a lucky break… but at The Big Comeback,
decide how you want your life to be first… then build a business to make it happen.

I was trading dollars for hours in my Physical Therapy practice… Now, I’m crossing $100,000 with a full coaching business and can literally work from anywhere  including Maine, Spain and France!

Dr. Julie Granger

Healthy Mindset Coach

The Schedule

You can have anything you want (with a plan).
We’ll show you how to create, implement and access all of it.

The missing ingredient that will help you clarify what you want, why you want it and exactly how to create it in your life this year.

The secret to clarifying what you are selling, what order you sell it in, and determining how much you charge — so that you stop second-guessing and can double your sales.  

4 simple steps to create your messaging manifesto and solidify how you talk about your business that will make potential clients excited to work with you (no more cottonmouth).

Create a Boundaries Blueprint that eliminates the feelings of guilt and shame that come with giving more than you receive and breaking your own promises — so that you can stand in your power and ask for what you want.

How to ask for help from colleagues, friends, family and mentors. (With even more word-for-word scripts!)
The simple strategy behind what each product or service does for your business, and the order in which you should launch each offering to become a leader in your field.
The one crucial step required for you to release unhelpful patterns and eliminate limiting behaviors to create a breakthrough immediately.

Word-for-Word scripts on how to set your boundaries around hours, family, self-care — and everything in between — we’ll even role play to show you how it works.

Build a business that pays for your ideal life


The 4-step formula for making your ideal life possible now — Honor your creative, wanderer, CEO, caretaker (even your inner diva!) — all your roles — and still have a successful business.

Discover the 4 types of business models for your business and find the one that supports your ideal lifestyle.
8 places to find new leads.

The rarely talked-about secret to managing time, boundaries and that horrid to-do list so that you can work efficiently every single day and get so much more done (believe me — this section might just change your life).


How to organize your annual plan — and have time for vacations, family time, team time, you time — fit it all in.


The 6 fastest ways to make money without sacrificing your time.

The 4 essential steps to determining the best ways and times for you to work so that you get your work done on time and with pleasure.
The 4 rituals that get you back in the game when you get off track.

5 essential numbers that every entrepreneur must track to create consistent cash flow — complete with tracking sheets to help you stay organized.

Create Your 12-Month Written Plan to Make Next Year Your Best One Yet.

The 3 rules of success and how implementing them can make your business so much easier.
The 6-step formula for Creating a Certified Revenue Breakthrough Plan that makes your success simple, do-able and fun.
Your Becoming Unstoppable Plan for reviewing, editing and staying on track to create the best 12 months yet.
Specific, customized support from our team each step of the way to answer questions, give you strategy, and support you to get it DONE.

Word-for-word scripts on how to convert those leads into connections and sales conversations – and ultimately new clients!

The 3-step plan review process so that you can stay on track no matter what life throws your way.
The core 5 steps for hiring someone that supports you to the fullest in your business (even if you just started).

How to organize your quarters — so that you have time to breathe, create new products and still take weekends off.


How to organize your weeks — so that you can start the day with a workout and self-time, end the day with family time and honor all of your roles and boundaries.


How to organize your day — so that you feel rested at the start of your day and accomplished by the end of your day.

Create a support plan complete with your fabulous five so that you know exactly how to reach out for support and get more done than ever before.

I went from struggling to come up with $4,000 a month (which just covered my monthly expenses as a single mom) to an over 6-figure business within a year and a half of working with Monica! I’m also traveling 4-5 times per year for work and creating online programs that generate passive income for me while I’m helping others.

Janet Raftis

Energy Healer & Intuitive Development Coach

Before working with Monica I did everything backwards. I was at my wit’s end. Now, no more guesswork or trying to figure things out on my own. Within a few months of starting with Monica, I looked at my numbers (using her tracking system) and realized that my dream was actually coming true and I was making money attracting the clients I love to work with. I’m learning from a Master Coach who walks her talk.

Julia Katsivo

Successful & Smart Business Coaching


If you’re NOT into learning strategies that actually WORK,

don’t come.

There are plenty of events that leave you feeling good, but don’t challenge you to take real action in your business. This isn’t one of them.

This event will NOT include…

boring lectures that put you to sleep

non-stop sales pitches

no time to network

fluffy feel-good theory with no real how-to

I’ve been to too many events myself where I walk out thinking, “Okay, but now what?”

At The Big Comeback Event, you’ll walk out with a completed Certified Revenue Breakthrough Plan that you’ll be able to start working from immediately on Monday morning.

I remember quite vividly how painful it was
to struggle in the beginning of my business.

In 2006, I left my job as a brand manager at L’Oreal Paris to start my own business.

I had big dreams. I had an MBA from Kellogg School of Management. And I had grown up in an entrepreneurial household.

I thought I was hot stuff.

I thought I was going to rock this entrepreneur thing.

And then I got checked by reality. Hard.

Within 1 year, I racked up $25,000 in debt, investing in trainings & programs, and trying to launch my own products & programs (most of which flopped).

I had to rent out my New York apartment just to have enough money to pay my bills each month. I basically ran my business from my friends’ couches.

I finally realized that I had zero method to my madness.

I was just trying one random thing after another — and no one was able to tell me what ORDER to do them in.

So I spent the next year figuring it out...

  • I paid close attention to my numbers.
  • I tracked what worked, and what didn’t.
  • I identified which activities would make money the fastest.
  • I hired a master coach to help me (and put it on my Dad’s credit card)
  • And I turned my business (and my life) around.

By the end of that year, I had 22 clients, 2 group programs, $12,000 in savings, and ZERO dollars in debt.

Every year since then, I’ve dramatically increased my revenue.

Today, I’m a 7-figure business owner, coaching other women in building businesses that change their lives, their families’ lives, and their clients’ lives.

(Many of my clients have doubled and tripled their revenue within 1 year of working with me.)

So my main focus each time I host an event is to give you as much material as I can during the time we have together.

And the biggest secret to my success is that I always have a plan.

Even when COVID hit, we had a plan. Yes, we had to change it, but we weren't starting from scratch.

What I noticed is that the businesses that do the best are the ones that have a plan.

Like my clients...

(Dates, Hours, Friends, and More)


Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Speakers, Service Providers (we believe that EVERY business owner needs to understand how to plan ahead to build a business that supports the life they truly want!)

The Big Comeback is great, no matter if you are just starting out, already have a business, or are a more experienced business owner.


  • This is a virtual event.
  • We will meet on Zoom for our 3 days together. (Don't worry — I'm really good at keeping virtual events fun and painless!)


December 6–8, 2023


Day 1: December 6th, 10am – 6pm EST; Evening Session: 7:30pm – 9pm EST

Day 2: December 7th, 10am – 6pm EST; Evening Session: 7:30pm – 9pm EST

Day 3: December 8th, 10am – 4:30pm EST


We love friends! Once you register yourself for the event, you’ll be given a special link to share with a friend you’d like to invite to join you — for FREE.

Why? Because we know how much easier it is for YOU when you have someone in your personal circle to share this event with. (There’s nothing harder than leaving an amazing event, and feeling like NO ONE understands what you just experienced.)

Can you imagine what your year will look like
if you actually have it clarified and created by December 8th?


No more guesswork.


No more trial and error.


No more leaving your success to chance.

You have the ability to control your destiny, time, bank account, and freedom. But the only way you are going to get there from where you are now is with a proven plan. Create yours with us at The Big Comeback.

Will we see you there?

What Past Attendees at The Big Comeback Have Said:

Dec 6–8, 2023 | virtual event

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